Personal blog


The ‘State of Abundance’ explores social, financial and spiritual obstacles standing in the way of prosperity.

As both a seasoned business journalist and a certified meditation teacher, I explore a range of ideas and stories based on years of reporting and over a decade of dedicated spiritual study and meditation practice.
I talk to industry leaders, scientists and holistic practitioners around the world about the solutions to these challenges and the steps we can take now in our everyday life to maximize our state of abundance for the sake of our individual as well as collective good.
Have a story idea or a tip? Drop me a line.

Daria Solovieva Daria Solovieva

The Pandemic’s Toll on Women’s Wealth

What the pandemic has exposed is not only that the systems are broken, but also that we haven’t been studying them and measuring progress adequately. It doesn’t matter if more women get to participate in the economy, if they are still not able to save or otherwise make progress towards greater financial security.

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Daria Solovieva Daria Solovieva

Waiting for Covid-19 Vaccine

What’s striking about the American experience with Covid-19 is that while half the country is counting days till the miracle vaccine will allow things to go back to normal, the other half of the country has no intention of ever vaccinating themselves or is on the fence about it. And this makes our prospects for going back to normal even murkier and complicated.

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Daria Solovieva Daria Solovieva

This Time Is Different: Can Private Equity Be a Force for Good?

In the age of the Covid-19 pandemic, this argument about capitalism and whether you can really be a “socially impactful” investor, is playing out across many industries in real life. Old structures, systems and business models are breaking down. Pick any industry, look at their numbers, and you’ll see exactly how prepared they’ve been for a global catastrophe all along.

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Daria Solovieva Daria Solovieva

Covid-19 Testing Games: The Survivor Edition

The Trump administration’s dangerous centralization of hospital data and leaving the states to figure out testing policies on their own are still leaving many Americans to fend for themselves when it comes to accessing reliable and affordable Covid-19 tests, months into the pandemic.

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